Two bee days or not two bee days? That is the question. Because technically this act of wildness took place over two days and an additional evening.
with apologies to Bill Shakespeare.

Last Tuesday I was at my mum's with my youngest child, (preschool age) while his brother and sister were at school. For some reason my mum's conservatory is totally entrancing to bumblebees so I ended up rescuing several of them with a shot glass and a bit of paper. Then I discovered that you could feel their buzzing through the paper, which we both really liked. That led into seeing what different types of bees we could find in the garden.
This is where my lack of preparation revealed itself. Last year I learnt to identify some of the commoner bee species and I've got a lovely FSC chart showing two dozen of them. Unfortunately as with so many of the summer species I'd forgotten most of what I'd learned about identifying bumblebees and my fancy chart was sitting on a shelf at home. So we didn't get much further than recognising that there were a lot of different types of bees in the garden and that they were pretty cool.
We carried on this activity with the other two when they got back from school, once they'd eaten and while they were playing with bubble mixture in the garden. My daughter also had a bee chart back at home and we both promised to check it later (neither of us ever did though).

I spent ages watching them, fascinated to see behaviour on a city street from such a common insect that I've never witnessed before. When I got home and shared this on Twitter I learnt that it is a fairly common thing. I'd just always assumed bumblebees slept in some kind of hive somewhere, not just hanging upside down on a flower! Nature always finds new ways to surprise us, it really does.
That led nicely into day 21's planned activity, a re-run of our bee safari but this time with the right tools to actually identify the bees. Well, some of the tools. I had the chart but I forgot my sample pots and I still need to order the nets. Together we managed to identify four different bee species in my mum's back garden, with White-tailed, Buff-tailed, Common Carder and Early Bumblebees busily buzzing around her flowers. We also found an unfortunate Tree Bumblebee that had become squished in the window frame. After tea we headed back around to the Iris Brickfield, where we were going to be foraging for elder flowers, and I set my daugher a challenge: to find a Red-tailed Bumblebee. She was absolutely delighted when she found not one but two right outside my mum's front door. We also found a much more alive Tree Bumblebee in the front garden and then a Forest Cuckoo Bumblebee, one I don't recall ever seeing before.

Foraging for elder flowers was really good fun, and then, while the kids went off and had a play I followed a moth around that I'd spotted. It finally landed and I got a decent shot of its nicely marked wings. It was only later that night when I was looking at the photo that I suddenly realised what it was. Its wing markings distinctly resembled the face of a wizened crone, which meant that it could only be a Mother Shipton Moth. A quick Google search confirmed it and I had a nice new moth to add to my list. Another one I found in a hedge as we were walking home has been identified by more experienced eyes than mine as a Lesser Treble Bar Moth, which is also a new one for me.
The elder flowers are being turned into elder flower champagne, but that's a story for another day!
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